Friday 15 July 2011

Brief Post:

I created this blog to record my progress of producing a teaser trailer in a group and show how I have built upon my knowledge in AS Media Studies. I will be guiding you through my experiences of our teaser trailer's production and I will be evaluating the final product.

I will be working in a new group [with Christopher Townshend and Scott Gealy] Their blog links are here:

Chris Townshend's A2 Media Blog:

Scott Gealy's A2 Media Blog:

In this blog I will consider:

-How carrying out background research will support the development of our teaser trailer including how it relates to genre and target audience-

We will be deconstructing texts and analysing their micro and macro features including their uses of forms & conventions. We will also be applying theory and focusing on audience, representations and meanings within texts.

-How occurances in the development and production of our teaser trailer will impact the final result-

 This includes storyboarding, scripting, casting, location shots, music/sound, meeting times and film pitch which will determine what the final product will end up.

-How utilising and experimenting with NMT [New Media Technologies] will benefit our product, allowing us to enhance our creative and technical skills-

We will be recording our progress on editing as well as filming, indicating how we have used NMT to improve our film in terms of camera, sound, mise en scene, editing and special effects. The success of our teaser trailer will be determined based on whether it achieves the purpose of making our audience respond in a way that relates to its genre.

-What went well and did not go well- 

We will be evaluating how our teaser trailer's production went and explain what we feel towards the final product with reasons. The final product will reflect the success and failures during its development and production.