Friday 23 September 2011

Codes & Conventions:

I suspect that the following are the forms and conventions of thriller genre. These forms and conventions of which are clearly shown on-camera for the viewer to identify:

 1 - Guns -

2 - Cars/vehicles -

Guns hold the ability to instantly kill off characters and raise suspense. Cars/vehciles are also potentially deathly when in the hands of dangerous drivers. These make the audience hope that the characters they have identified themselves with do not die.

3 - Suits/uniforms -

4 - Photographic evidence -

Photographic images and mirrors raise suspense even further because they reveal the hidden intentions and dark truths of specific characters to the audience; dramatic irony. The antagonists are most often the ones who's secrets are revealed.

5 - Mirrors -

6 - Shadow/lighting -

Suits/uniforms and shadows mask these hidden truths and intentions to surpise the audience at the best times. It keeps the antagonistic characters from revealing their true evil identities to society and exposing themselves wide out in the open.

Members of our group can openly discuss whether we want to follow or challenge particular codes and conventions and say why.

However, choosing whether to follow or challenge these forms and conventions depends on what the expectiations of our target audience will be before viewing the film.

It is both important for our audience to identify our product as a thriller and to experiment with new ideas to see if they thrill our audience, which could involve challenging these forms and conventions.

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