Thursday, 17 November 2011

"Distrutto" Distribution & Exhibition:

We are planning on advertising our product across traditional media platforms such as Television, along with other developing media like online websites. We have these particular websites in mind:

Facebook - which is a popular social-networking site:

YouTube - which is a popular video-hosting/browsing website:

These are websites we intend to host the teaser trailer on for both our targetted audiences and potential audiences. Plus, there are comment and rating features which allow viewers to give feedback and criticism. They can type in their comments in a review style where they may explain what they particuarly liked and disliked. This may give the group an idea of whether the teaser trailer fulfilled its purpose by thrilling viewers.

Another interesting reason for hosting the teaser trailer online is if our group's opinions towards the final product change because of the audience's reception. If the final product to us does not turn out as well as we expected, we would put up a negative view towards it but if YouTube viewers claim they love it and if it fulfills the purpose, our views would immidiately match our audience. So both the audience and our group feel happy with the final product, confirming its success.

It is our intention to create a Facebook page and YouTube Channel to give our audiences more opportunity to tune in. Viewers can subscribe to these pages and recieve notifications so they will be kept up to date with the latest information of our production company and any extras.

We also exhibited our teaser trailer to audiences of year 11, 12 & 13s.

Audience Reactions:

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